Can My Cat Eat This?

What you might think is a treat to you, may be toxic for your cat. So before letting him or her nibble on your treat under the table, make sure to check if it could be toxic to your cat.
Some foods may surprise you but others are actually really healthy to feed your cat or incorporate into their meals. Sharing food might seem normal because your kitty is a part of the family but not everything is safe for them. If you don’t do the research or consult with your veterinarian before, you may make an easily avoidable life-threatening decision for your cat.
On average, a cat should only be consuming 20 to 33 calories per day depending on their energy and activity levels. So just like us, it is important to not overfeed and get carried away with human treats!
To find out what foods are okay for your cat to eat and what you should avoid at all costs, we’ve compiled a list to help you out!
1. Salmon
Yes, your cat can eat this! An incredible source of omega-3s fatty acids, salmon helps to minimize inflammation and lower blood pressure. It is highly nutritious food for your pet. It can be a tasty treat or a food incorporated into their regular diet. The safest way to feed your cat salmon is by cooking it to avoid the potential of salmonella poisoning.
2. Eggs
Deemed a safe food for your cat to eat. A great source of B vitamins and proteins, eggs are not harmful to your cat unless eaten raw. Like salmon, the safest way to feed your cat eggs is by cooking them to avoid food-borne illnesses.
3. Chocolate
You have probably heard of chocolate being no good for dogs. So what about cats? The same rule applies. Chocolate contains a substance called methylxanthines that are toxic to cats and dogs and can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, or worse, death. So make sure this is out of reach for those curious kitties!
4. Dairy
While you may have seen in movies and films kittens drinking milk, dairy can be harmful to most cats who have lactose intolerance. Feeding them dairy may cause upset stomachs, vomiting, or diarrhea. So the best course of action is just to avoid it altogether unless otherwise advised by your veterinarian.
5. Bananas
High in fiber and potassium bananas are a great little treat for your cat. However, as stated early it is important to minimize the caloric intake which this treat should make up no more than 10% of their daily diet.
6. Pumpkin
Getting ready for Halloween? Well, you don’t have to be afraid of giving your cat some pumpkin. It is low calorie and high in fiber and may help your cat with an upset stomach. This tasty treat is a great thing to add to your cat’s food as it is both safe and healthy.
7. Apples
Another tasty healthy treat, apples are safe and healthy for your cat provided they are fed without the skin. Apples are both high in fiber and produce Vitamin C which is a great nutrient for your cat.
8. Grapes/Raisins
While there is still no known reason as to what causes grapes and raisins to be poisonous to cats and dogs alike, these tasty treats for you are very dangerous for your cat. They are said to lead to kidney failure and are very toxic.
9. Cantaloupe
A fruit high in antioxidants and beta carotene, cantaloupe without the skin is a safe and healthy treat for your cat. It can help maintain great eye and skin health and is a cat-safe-approved fruit!
10. Alcohol
While it might provide a good time for you, it is not safe for your pet to have any. It can cause some serious issues in your pet such as vomiting, diarrhea, trouble breathing, and even death. So best to save your purr-ty for another time and hide the alcohol from your cat!
11. Blueberries
An amazing antioxidant and source of vitamin A and C, blueberries are a safe and cat-friendly food. Some may even like a couple of frozen blueberries to nibble when it is a hot day outside!
12. Oats or Oatmeal
Great for humans and great for cats, oatmeal can be found in many commercial cat foods because it's a great source of energy and vitamin B. However, that doesn’t mean every cat will like it so it is recommended to introduce and incorporate it into their diet gradually.
13. Bread
A source of high fiber and protein, bread is deemed feline-friendly and safe to eat. However and again, it is important to be cautious of how much you are giving to your cat as this could easily have them gaining weight pretty quickly!
14. Macadamia nuts
Like grapes, the exact substance toxic to cats is still widely unknown, it can cause issues with the pancreas and issues with digestion. Therefore, it is best to keep your cat far away from these nuts.
15. Lemons/Limes
Sour for you, lemons and limes are also another food toxic to cats. While small amounts will cause a small upset digestive tract, large amounts can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and long-term effects on the nervous system.
16. Gum/Candy
It may be a sweet treat for you but most gums and candy contain an ingredient called xylitol which is incredibly harmful to your cat. It can lead to liver failure, vomiting, or lethargy. So best to put that candy away during the Halloween season and stick to pumpkin.
17. Chicken
While cats are carnivores and require food that mostly contains meat, their bodies still have trouble digesting high fibrous foods; however, meat is right up their alley. Make sure to cook chicken thoroughly with skin removed, chicken is the best source of protein and can be found in most commercial cat food.
18. Coconut
Coconut can come in many different forms but can cause digestive problems with your cat, so it is best to avoid digesting it. However, coconut oil could help improve your cat's skin. Make sure to consult your veterinarian for use.
19. Peas
A great source of fiber, vitamin C and A, peas are not harmful to your cat’s health and can be eaten. Like chicken and oats, peas are also often found in cat formulas in commercial food.
20. Salt
While it may seem harmless, too much salt can cause a lot of digestive problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, tremors, and seizures. Avoid salt on anything in large doses and if you notice your pet has ingested a lot of salt make sure to monitor them closely.
While all these foods present a great understanding of what is harmful or not to your cat, there is so much more that might be outside this list. Do your research and make sure to check before feeding it to your cat!
It is also important to make sure you are not overfeeding them.
Believe it or not, obesity in cats is a huge problem plaguing owners because they are not aware of the small diet cats should have. Overweight cats are defined as being 10% over their ideal weight. One way to catch the problem is if you can not feel your cat’s ribs when you stroke them. Being overweight can cause some serious longevity issues for your cat’s health and well-being like: joint issues, no longer grooming themselves, diabetes, and more.
So for the best quality of life, make sure to be aware of what you are providing and giving to your cat every day. Additionally, make sure you aren’t feeding them something harmful as noted in the list above.
When in doubt, consult your veterinarian. They are there to help provide you with the best advice and support to help you maintain a long life with your pet!