Is My Dog Allowed to Eat This?

Believe it or not, humans and dogs are not able to eat the same foods. Dogs' metabolisms vary from a human’s and break down food differently. Therefore, some foods that are toxic to dogs are perfectly safe for human consumption. And on the flip side, some foods are perfectly safe for your pup, but you would never even think about eating!
In this article, we explore whether or not your dog can eat 24 of the most common foods. Some answers may not be a black and white, yes or no answer which is why we encourage you to read more and find out why!
1. Carrots - YES
Good news! Carrots both raw and cooked are totally safe for your dog to eat. They are a great source of fiber and carry a lot of vitamins and minerals. Rich in vitamin C, they can be effective in helping your dog build antibodies and strengthen your dog’s immune system. To avoid choking, just make sure to cut them up for your dog!
2. Grapes and Raisins - NO
They are toxic for your dog. Do not feed grapes or raisins to them. Grapes are essentially dehydrated raisins that contain the same toxic material harmful to your pet. While the substance is not known to cause the exact toxicity, it is believed that grapes cannot metabolize flavonoids, tannins, and monosaccharides. They can lead to kidney failure or death even in the smallest amounts!
3. Peanut Butter - YES
You won’t have a problem feeding your dog peanut butter. It is quite healthy and safe for them to eat in moderate amounts. The key is in moderate amounts. Peanut butter is high in fat and if given too much they can gain weight very quickly!
Pro tip: it can help your dog if they have bad breath!
4. Eggs - READ MORE
Cooked eggs are safe for your dogs and have been proven to help prevent nausea or an upset stomach. Eggs contain a lot of great protein and almost every vitamin and mineral for a balanced diet. However, raw eggs can be dangerous because they could contain salmonella, a nasty bacteria. Not only is your dog at risk, but you could be too because it is easily spread.
5. Salmon- READ MORE
Salmon is perfectly healthy and safe for your pup! Rich in protein, healthy fats, and Omega’s salmon can help support the immune system by reducing inflammation and help keep your dog’s coat shiny and soft. Just like eggs, you should not feed your dog raw salmon because it could contain parasites harmful to them.
6. Chocolate - NO
This may go without saying because it is so widely known but chocolate is a big no, no for your pup. Chocolate contains theobromine which cannot be metabolized by dogs. If swallowed, your dog could experience vomiting, diarrhea, or worse. Please consult a vet if your dog is experiencing these problems.
7. Garlic - NO
It may be tasty for you, but it is problematic for your dog. Do not ever feed your dog garlic. It is toxic for them because it contains thiosulfates harmful to their red blood cells. Red blood cells are the cells in which oxygen is delivered to the body. With harm to these, it can be catastrophic to the well-being of your dog’s circulatory system.
8. Onions - NO
Similar to garlic, onions should never be fed to your dog. Onions have a compound called N-propyl disulfide that is harmful to their red blood cells and can limit the amount of oxygen taken in through their body.
9. Watermelon - READ MORE
This tasty treat is perfectly fine for dogs to consume as long as you remove the seeds and the rind. The rind and seeds can present a choking hazard and are said to cause some digestive issues. Watermelon is healthy and contains great nutrients like Vitamin A and C for your pet!
10. Cheese - READ MORE
Everyone loves a good cheese board but your dog can only eat this in small amounts. Because of the fat and lactose, it contains, dogs may be susceptible to digestive issues and an upset stomach if consumed in high amounts. Therefore, it is recommended to gradually introduce this food and not give them a lot of it.
11. Blueberries - YES
They are perfectly safe and nutritious for your pet. As they do for humans, blueberries contain powerful antioxidants and provide great health benefits. They are a great treat for your pup!
12. Apples - READ MORE
They are healthy and safe for your pup! They contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are great for your dog’s digestive system. However, if your apples contain seeds just make sure to remove them to avoid the chemical that is toxic and could present a choking hazard.
13. Honey - READ MORE
While honey is perfect for your dog's sweet tooth, it should only be fed to them in small amounts. The high amount of natural sugar in honey can lead to obesity in dogs. It is important to limit this along provided with adequate exercise and a well-balanced diet.
14. Lemons or Limes - NO
These are highly toxic to your dog, do not feed them any! The skin contains a component called psoralen which can cause severe symptoms if consumed by your dog like diarrhea, liver failure, and vomiting.
15. Bananas - READ MORE
Another fruit that dogs can eat but you want to limit consumption. High in fiber, minerals, and vitamins, bananas are a great treat. Some say it also can help with their upset stomach!
16. Milk - READ MORE
Milk is okay for your dog but should be limited in the amount given. Just like humans, lactose intolerance can be present in dogs, which may cause vomiting and diarrhea. So they should be monitored if you want to add this as a treat for them.
17. Popcorn - READ MORE
It is okay as an occasional treat. Most popcorn contains both butter and salt, is high in fat, and can lead to dehydration respectively. For that alone, it is best to feed your dog with air-popped popcorn that contains neither.
18. Bread - YES
Plain bread is an acceptable treat for your dog. Make sure your bread doesn’t contain additional ingredients like raisins. Adding bread regularly to your dog’s diet may increase their weight so be careful to monitor them.
19. Avocado - NO
While bread is safe, avocado toast is not! Avocado should never be fed to dogs because it contains a toxin called persin which is very poisonous to dogs. It can lead to breathing troubles because it attacks the lungs.
20. Blackberries - YES
Blackberries are a great treat for dogs. High in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is a healthy choice for dogs and he can have a few a day; that is if your dog likes them.
21. Tomatoes - READ MORE
While red tomatoes are okay as an occasional treat when ripe, green tomatoes should be avoided because they can carry tomatine, a toxic chemical to dogs. While not supported by science, dog owners have experienced their dogs having nausea, muscle weakness, and issues with breathing after consumption of green tomatoes.
22. Coffee - NO
It may wake you up but it is no good for your dog. Caffeine is too stimulating to a dog’s nervous system which can lead to hyperactivity, elevated heart rate, seizure, or tremors. Therefore, this should be kept far away from your pup.
23. Coconut - YES
Coconut is a safe treat for your dog to have. While not proven by scientific studies, coconut has been said to help improve skin, coat, and digestion. Coconut is another one of those foods that contain a high fat count and therefore should be consumed in small amounts so you watch your dog’s weight.
24. Cinnamon - READ MORE
While cinnamon is non-toxic, you should still watch how much your dog consumes because it may irritate their mouths or digestive system. Even if it is an ingredient in your baking, it may lead to negative effects if in large quantities.
Don’t let the puppy dog eyes fool you if you don’t know what is okay and what is not okay to feed them!
Some foods are fine for your dog to consume but others are not. It is important to recognize your dog is not exactly like you when it comes to what you eat. It is important to make sure to do your research and ask your veterinarian before you feed your dog human food because, as you can see, some decisions surrounding food may lead to some serious consequences.
As you now know, too much of anything can be problematic! So even if it is deemed “safe” it is important to act in moderation. Plus, all dogs are different so it is important that you introduce foods gradually and in small amounts so you can see how your dog reacts. This can prevent allergic reactions and weight gain.
All in all, your dog deserves to be treated too so just make sure you are careful with what you are giving them so they are living a long, healthy, and happy life!