Too Busy for Dog Training?

When you get a new puppy, sometimes it is really overwhelming to dedicate time to basic obedience training and listening to commands while also potty training and everything in between. But having a well-trained pup should also be a priority because, without proper training, you and your puppy will not be having a good time. We understand that life may be busy at times and bringing up a new pup takes a lot of patience; however, we have some helpful tricks so that you are able to train, keep a busy lifestyle, and have a well-behaved pup!
1. Make your training sessions short
You don’t need to spend hours at a time repeating different training techniques or learning commands with your dog. If it isn’t fun for you, it surely won’t be fun for them. Therefore, try to focus on shorter 15-minute sessions once every other day or even 5 minutes a day to teach them something new and continue repeating it while using incentives. Keep things fun and light so that it isn’t overwhelming for you and so that your pup doesn’t get bored. Remember, they are still full of energy and don’t have the attention span to be able to train for too long either!
2. Fit in small amounts of training
You can incorporate training into all aspects of working with your dog. That means every time you interact with them such as telling them to sit before letting them cross the street with you or having them wait until you allow them to dive into their bowl for dinner, simple practices like this can make all the difference so that they understand commands. Right before your eyes, a few minutes here and there will make a world of difference when it comes to a well-behaved young adult dog.
Additionally, and as you know, treats work wonders. Make sure to keep them close by so that you can incorporate these small interactions into your daily routine. You could wear a treat belt or keep some in your pocket throughout the day and while in training mode.
3. Use Food as an Incentive
Food is often always known as a reward for dogs. It is most repeatedly done twice a day; so why give it to your dog without having them work for it? Training around meals is a great way to get your dog accustomed to listening and respecting what you are trying to teach them. Instead of giving them a full portion too, you can portion out part of their meal so that you can use parts of their food as rewards for every command they follow. But at the very least, make sure they are performing one desired behavior before feeding them.
4. Use other incentives
Obviously, food is a big part of a dog's willingness to work for a reward, but it isn’t the only thing. Walks, belly scratches, playtime, and toys are also other ways to reward your dog after they listen and perform what you ask them to. This not only keeps them from getting a little chunky from all the treats but also provides some diversity within your training techniques.
Consider always incorporating it whenever your dog wants something rather than giving into whatever it may be. Those small desires from your dog add up and can be very useful to a well-trained dog. Additionally, having a variety of different ways to train will help incorporate different rules you establish for your dog quickly.
5. Utilize Walks
Walks are not only a great exercise for your pup but important for your health too. Utilize them to your advantage while training your dog. Asking them to “wait” before crossing the street or “leave it” when they are sniffing something they shouldn’t be. Walks can also be very distracting because their senses are up and they are seeing and hearing all sorts of different things as they walk. Make sure to start off with a quiet environment and then introduce him to more multitudes of distractions like busier streets, other animals, and people.
6. Professional Training
If all else fails and you have the means, look up local training facilities so you are able to get the tricks and tips from a training professional. Professional resources are able to not only equip you with new knowledge tailored to your dog but also allow you to make the time around your busy schedule. There are also different packages that can accommodate what will work best for you, like sending away for a week boot camp, once a week training for an hour, or coming to the house services. Do your research and talk to others who may have taken these courses to help with their dog’s training.
The more you start this while they are young and incorporate training in your daily life, the better off you are and the more behaved of a pet you will have. Your dog will understand the rules more, get a better understanding of what is expected of him/her, listen more, and bark less. You don’t have to make it something you dread, make it fun and engaging for both you and your pup!